
Chasseur Stealth #1 – for sale

Once in every few years I realize I probably don't have a real chance to restore this car the proper way. Because of the space, the money, time – that always were my main problems. It's really a unique car, first of the 34 (probably 34) made, genuine, the only #1. I have a whole file of documents confirming this fact. It's not 3rd, 5th, 16th or 23rd but 1st! Some time ago I spoke to a guy who owns, I think, #4, he claimed that #1 no longer exists, somebody crashed it. And yet her it is.

The price you see is a price I came up with. If you have a proposition – specific one – e-mail it to chasseurxj40@gmail.com and I'll e-mail you back if I have a better one or not.
I decided to post it by the end of Sept. I have a price in mind that I would like to get for it, but I don't really need to sell it just yet. It's just that once in a while I have a moment of doubt and realize that for the next few years I won't have the time to restore it. The price I have in my head is not made up. I estimate that this car, since it's #1- and I have documents confirming it – is worth about as much as and old XK 120/140/150 in a similar state, but I guess the market will determine that.
It is much easier to renovate than an old XK, it will be worth a lot (it's documented as #1) and it can be renovated for a relatively small amount.
I'm posting it not only on this website, but everywhere I can, so that as many people as possible could find out about it, so if you you have a proposition that you would like to discuss or any questions e-mail me at chasseurxj40@gmail.com and I'll try to answer all the messages.

About the car:
In 1987 The Company Chasseur launched their first Stealth based on Jaguar XJ40... this is that same car. It was a test model that's why this one is XJ6. It's seat is manually adjusted, grey upholstery and black paint job, the indoor frames are painted black and...
IT HAS A MANUAL GEAR BOX I haven't seen another Chasseur with a manual gear box... never. Chasseur claimed it had 310 horse power due to two Turbo Chargers Garett T25 and double fuel line!! that's right -double. I don't really know how it works but I suspect that the second one activates only after reaching certain rpm's....
The company has provided it with an appropriate body kit and it's quite obvious it is a prototype. It's made out of resin... and so it's quite heavy. The company used it as a show car and apparently the most famous Chasseur Stealth advertisement photo shows that exact car. Some articles were written about it, it appeared at some parties until eventually it got sold. The new owner drove it till the day he died. His family inherited it and drove it until something (don't know what) stopped working...

They put it in the field...that's right THE FIELD and left it there for 10years.... without any tarpaulin or a piece of roof above it. Thus the current state. I bought it in 2006 in the field near Liverpool and brought it to Poland... Poland... pretty girls, terrible roads, good vodka – over 1250 miles from it's previous resting pace. I was supposed to renovate it but instead I renovated a couple other Jags and the Chasseur waited in the garage. “I'll take care of it next year” and before I knew it was 5 years later. Today I know that I will definitely not take care of it next year, and most likely not the year after that, that's why I decided to sell it to someone who has the time, money, the right conditions and knows what kind of car it is.
Of course it is RHD
Engine – I never even tried to start it. Maybe it isn't so bad
Electricity – I hooked up a battery and some things even worked
The body - well... it's in a BAD state. At first I thought about buying another XJ40. Renovating it will not be easy. The chassis number are in perfect condition – if you know what I mean. I don't know who took care of the body work back in the UK but he clearly had no idea about what he was doing. In some places you can see their “workmanship”
Body kit – COMPLETE Has all the parts, right side skirt fractured in one place
Interior – the sagging celling upholstery isn't a surprise to XJ40 fans,the rest is pretty good. The woodwork is a bit bleached and worn.
Basically as I said the car needs a total, complete and long time renovation – don't fool yourselves.

Every few days as I make my way through the papers I will publish new information on my blog. I will also be answering questions and I'll try to reconstruct the car's history, maybe someone will find it useful.

For extra payment I can have the car delivered to the new owner